Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sunday Salon: Salman Rushdie!

Do they have exclamation points in Hindi? 
Or is it just understood that everything in India
should be said with an exclamation point?

I just finished Midnight's Children.
It is the masterpiece of Salman Rushdie.
And now I want to end every sentence I write about
this author, this book, with an exclamation point.

Midnight's Children!
A masterpiece!
Salman Rushdie!

My husband and I went to see Salman Rusdie Friday night.
He talks just like he writes.
He speaks in beautiful metaphors
that seem to flow from his mouth
as naturally as rain from dark clouds.

I couldn't take any pictures inside,
so I must be happy with
the picture I took of the marquee.

There is a video of his event here.


  1. I have read two of his books and both were so good.

  2. I own about (5) of Rushdie's books, but have not read any! Maybe I should start with this one? BTW...I love exclamation points and use them frequently! :)

  3. I have never read (or heard) about Rushdie but you're enthusiasm has be curious for sure!

  4. Why have I not read Rushdie?? Clearly, I'm missing out.

  5. I had the same reaction to Midnight's Children but only the second time I tried to read it. I think it's one of the best books, maybe the best novel, of the 20th century.

    I also loved The Moor's Last Sigh if you're looking for another. I tried Satanic Verses and his most recent one, but could not get into either.

    Overall, I think he's a bit hit-and-miss.

  6. I haven't read anything by Rushdie...that seems like a mistake...thanks for motivating me!

  7. I have Rushdie on my list but haven't read him yet. Your post makes me want to, ASAP!

  8. Sadly I couldn't finish "Midnight's Children". Maybe I was too young for it (think I was 15-16), but I just hated it. I found it slow and pretentious and trying too hard to be literary. Maybe one day I will try it again to see if that initial impression was wrong!

  9. Midnight's Children worked for me. (1) I was on a deadline, reading madly so as to finish by Friday night. (2) The book felt like a fairy tale. (3) The characters and the setting and the plot seemed BIG.

  10. Oh, you lucky girl, to be able to see Salman Rushdie in person. I started "Midnight's Children" long ago and never finished it, probably was not ready for it. Now I have a copy waiting to be read come January.


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